The Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation plays an important role in teacher/researcher development and receives students from different places of Brazil and the world.
Our focus area is “Practices and theories of language teaching-learning processes”, which is divided into two lines of research:
1) Education Processes of language teachers and students: this line of research covers studies that comprise the many aspects of the teaching, studying and evaluating processes, in different contexts of education – formal, informal and the two combined, in society. It also considers different age ranges and different stakeholders involved in language teaching: students, parents, teachers, academic authorities, etc.
2) Language and Culture in the communicative competence: this line is dedicated to the descriptive and theoretical conceptualization of the different means of inter-relation and interdependence between linguistic knowledge and cultural knowledge, especially concerning their relevance to the process and construction of the communicative competence in a new language.
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(Tradução: Manny Marcelle Marra Naves - mestranda 2018/2019)